Posts from 2024

Posts from 2024

A young man is reading the holy scriptures pointing to a Bible topic. bible book Bible reading

Full-time Minister Search

The Bell Avenue Church of Christ in Amarillo Texas is seeking a full-time preacher/minister for our congregation of approximately 160 members with a post-Covid attendance of 125. Live streaming of services is provided. The church is served by four elders, nine deacons and a full-time youth minister. The ideal candidate must have pulpit experience and a degree in Bible from a Christian college/university or preaching school.  Messages should include addressing difficult topics and current challenges that impact the daily lives…
Bible concept.Man reading bible and praying to god before work.

Rigged Game

As I began scrolling through social media, I noticed there were a lot of posts on the championship game of the professional football league here in the United States. A number of them were complaints that one team or the other cheated. Some showed videos that “proved that the NFL is rigged.” One showed a team fumbling the ball and a player trying to pick it up and run with it, as opposed to just falling on the ball to…
Clovers background about a saint patrick's day theme

Green Party

On March 16, Monica and I are excited to host our second annual (for Bell Avenue) Green Party! For review purposes, a Green Party is around St. Patrick’s Day. When you come (from 4:00 PM—6:00 PM) bring something edible to share that is green. If the food is naturally green, that’s OK—not much fun, but OK. If it is not “naturally” green, you just add green food coloring to make it green. This year we are working on a new…
Group of men in a row


While our ladies are welcome to read this article, I specifically want to address the men, the real men, of our congregation. In September, 2011 a movie was released entitled “Courageous.” On Saturday, February 17, 2024 our Iron Sharpens Iron groups are going to embark on a study entitled: “Courageous Living Bible Study.” The study is based on the movie and the ups and downs of fatherhood and manhood as experienced by four law enforcement officers. It is essentially about…
Barber stuff

A Cold Head

For a couple of weeks, I had needed to get a haircut. I looked at the calendar and found a day when time and money would cooperate and I could get a haircut: Saturday, January 13, 2024. I got up, got dressed, checked in online, and headed to the hair cut place. Despite a “0 minute” wait time, I still had to wait 15 minutes! If you recall, the latest cold spell began right around that time. My hair, I…
Dog playing with her toy

Dog Toys

We have three dogs in our home. Two of them are Jamie’s and the other is Monica’s. Monica’s dog is named Snuggles. When we got him, he was supposed to be trained to become a therapy dog that Monica could take with her to her classroom. We moved here, though, and his training fell by the wayside. Snuggles (I know, it is a weird name for a boy dog) thinks he is pretty smooth. The dogs have inside toys and…

Renewal Date

A couple of years ago, I purchased a subscription to a particular online software (no names will be mentioned). I paid the fee for a year and pretty much forgot about it for the next eleven months. Then I received a notice that my subscription was about to expire and that I needed to renew it. At that time, however, I did not have the money to renew it. The renewal date came and went without my being able to…

Sin is Sin

On Monday of this past week, I had an eye doctor appointment. As part of this appointment, they did a retinal scan of my eyes. It was discovered that my left eye has a “floater” in it. Since this “floater” has not been bothering me and I was not even aware that anything was “floating” in my eye, the eye doctor simply said that we needed to keep an eye on it . . . “punny,” I know. When I…

New Every Morning

Here we are, one week into a new year. If you will allow me to get a bit personal with you: How are your new year’s resolutions coming along? I would guess that a week is pretty easy to keep a resolution. If I were to ask the same question in three weeks, you might give me a different answer. Once we have “failed” to keep a new year’s resolution, many times we conclude, “Oh well, I guess I’ll try…