Posts by Bell Avenue church of Christ
Sin is Sin
On Monday of this past week, I had an eye doctor appointment. As part of this appointment, they did a retinal scan of my eyes. It was discovered that my left eye has a “floater” in it. Since this “floater” has not been bothering me and I was not even aware that anything was “floating” in my eye, the eye doctor simply said that we needed to keep an eye on it . . . “punny,” I know. When I…
New Every Morning
Here we are, one week into a new year. If you will allow me to get a bit personal with you: How are your new year’s resolutions coming along? I would guess that a week is pretty easy to keep a resolution. If I were to ask the same question in three weeks, you might give me a different answer. Once we have “failed” to keep a new year’s resolution, many times we conclude, “Oh well, I guess I’ll try…
A family was awakened by their smoke detector in the middle of the night to discover that their house was on fire. The father ran into the upstairs bedroom of his children and carried his 18-month-old baby in his arms while dragging his four-year-old by the hand. They were halfway down the stairs when the little boy remembered that he had left his teddy bear in the bedroom, so he broke free from his father’s hand and ran back to…
A Bucket of Money
One fine evening a man walked into a fast-food chicken place and bought a nine-piece bucket of chicken. He took his chicken to the park for a romantic picnic under the moonlight with his woman. Upon reaching into the bucket, however, he received a surprise. Instead of chicken he discovered what was apparently the restaurant’s night deposit, nine thousand dollars. The young man brought the bucket back to the store and asked for his chicken in exchange for the money.…
Your Dad
A hero he is to the son of his youth to a daughter he’s handsome and tall. This man we call “dad” who has given so much brings warmth to the heart of us all. His hands are calloused by a lifetime of toil, his face is tanned by the sun. The lines were put there by struggles he lost and his smile by those that he won. His heart is a storehouse of treasures untold of wisdom,…
Who, Me?
There was once a college student who was struggling in many area of his life. He spent a great deal of his time feeling angry and frustrated. When he could stand it no longer, he went to the dim and seldom used chapel on campus. He paced up and down the aisles, slapping the back of the empty pews. He yelled, he cried, and he raged at God. “God you created the world. What could you possibly have been thinking?…
The Milkman’s Gift
When Cheryl Prewitt was four years old, she hung around her father’s small grocery store. Almost daily, the milkman would come into the store and greet her with the words, “How’s my little Miss America?” At first she giggled, but eventually she became comfortable with it… and even liked it a little. Soon the milkman’s greeting became a childhood fantasy… then a teenage dream. Finally, it became a goal… and in 1980, she stood on a stage and was crowned……
Mother’s Day
When God made His highest creation From the earth’s cold, lifeless sod, He gave each one a living soul In the image of his God! To some, He gave great wisdom, Let them see the wider view, So when trouble touch His love ones He could share it with them too. Others gave He words of beauty, So when men the truth do seek, He might plant it in their conscience Through the words that he could speak. Yes,…to each…
The Degradation of America
In the January 24, 1994 edition of Newsweek, the late political commentator, Rush Limbaugh, made the following observation: “Americans seem to require more and more violence, more…degradation and rot to capture their attention. Just look at the so-called ‘talk shows’ of daytime television – the museum of modern American societal decay. We have mothers who sleep with their daughters’ boyfriends, cross-dressing fathers, rape victims who later date their rapists. These are the people held up as your neighbors, your fellow…
Most people love a good story, whether it’s fiction or nonfiction. At the same time, however, many of them would prefer you to leave out some of the details (especially if they make them feel uncomfortable). “Too much information!” they protest, as they cover their ears. But what about when it comes to the gospel story? Today, it seems like everyone wants to hear about Christ’s love for mankind, but few care to hear about His condemnation of sin. Apparently…
Beheading John
According to both biblical and secular accounts, the Herods weren’t exactly the most honorable monarchs. In Matthew 2, Herod the Great fearfully ordered the mass genocide of all boys aged two years and younger in and around Bethlehem. In Acts 12, Herod Agrippa murdered the apostle, James, and persecuted the early church. And, In Mark 6, we read the dreadful account of how Herod Antipas ordered the beheading of John the Baptist. As Christians, we are horrified at the great…
Keeping Up with the Tempo
Last Monday night, I had the privilege of listening to Doug and the members of the West Texas A&M “Town and Gown Band” perform at Mary Moody Hall in Canyon. During the hour-long setlist, they played selections from Samuel Barber, Gustav Host, and other notable composers from days gone by. As I observed the band, one thing that caught my attention was that most of the performers were tapping their feet in tempo with the music. While it may seem…