Your Dad

Your Dad

A hero he is to the son of his youth

to a daughter he’s handsome and tall.

This man we call “dad” who has given so much

brings warmth to the heart of us all.


His hands are calloused by a lifetime of toil,

his face is tanned by the sun.

The lines were put there by struggles he lost

and his smile by those that he won.


His heart is a storehouse of treasures untold

of wisdom, and kindness, and love,

And he looks for a chance to open its doors

and share them with those whom he loves!


So tell this great man on his special day

how much he means to you,

For the hours are passing on swift flying wings

and his years on this earth may be few.


He’s given his life to bring you this far

and he’d do it all over again,

For he knows very well that it’s all been worthwhile

each time you struggle…and win!


So pause for a moment in your busy life

and give him a gift that’s so rare.

It will be more precious to him than silver or gold

if you’ll simply tell him… you care!

-Marion E. Lobaugh

Who, Me?


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