The Gentle Slope

The Gentle Slope

In The Screwtape Letters, author C.S. Lewis unveils some frightening truths about the nature of Satan and his goal to lure as many souls as possible away from a relationship with God. Perhaps the most alarming passage comes at the end of chapter twelve when a demon named Screwtape writes,

“Murder is no better than cards if cards can do the trick. Indeed, the safest road to Hell is the gradual one – the gentle slope, soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, without signposts…”

If sin is the separation of man from God (Isaiah 59:2), then all it takes is one seemingly insignificant sin to “do the trick.” Or, it could be as simple as choosing not to prioritize God in our daily lives.

Satan would love nothing more than to convince us that TV, sports, vacations, and other activities are more important than a personal relationship with God. But how can we expect to grow closer to our Heavenly Father if we do not spend time in His word, or fellowship with His people?

That’s the question that Satan doesn’t want us to answer, because if we answer it truthfully then we would ACT.

“Let him do anything but act. No amount of piety in his imagination and affections will harm us [demons] if we can keep it out of his will…The more often he feels without acting, the less he will be able ever to act, and, in the long run, the less he will be able to feel…”

As Christians, we should pray that our wills be in tune with God’s and be vigilant not to allow anything or anyone to separate us from a close relationship with Him.


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